December 07, 2022


作为其承诺的一部分,让尽可能多的学生有机会接受大学教育, 威尼斯人平台将扩大与哥伦布州立社区学院(Columbus State Community College)的合作伙伴关系,现在为转入威尼斯人平台攻读学士学位的符合条件的哥伦比亚州立社区学院学生提供全额学费和强制性费用的奖学金.

这是资本创新的主要街道奖学金的最新扩展,旨在使所有人都能接受教育. 扩展到符合佩尔助学金资格要求的CSCC转学生, will begin with students enrolling at Capital in fall 2023. Main Street Scholarships are annual and renewable, subject to GPA requirements and full-time enrollment.

“积极的学生不应该被经济困难所阻碍,” said David Kaufman, Capital University president. “我们很自豪能与哥伦布州立大学合作,这是我们持续致力于让所有本科生通过威尼斯人平台教育取得成功的一部分.

“I’m not aware of another partnership like this, 一所两年制的公立大学和一所四年制的私立大学共同创建了一种针对转学的经济援助模式,以最大限度地提高学生的成功程度."

“通过我们的首选途径2+2合作伙伴关系,学生债务是可以避免的,” said David Harrison, president of Columbus State Community College. “哥伦布州立大学的毕业生有机会获得威尼斯人平台的免学费学士学位,这是我们迄今为止提供的最有力的机会. 这种伙伴关系将对学生和家庭产生重大影响.”

缅因街奖学金合作伙伴关系只是哥伦布州立大学和威尼斯人平台之间的最新倡议. The Transfer Student Success Initiative, a product of the Foundations of Excellence Transfer Project, was a first-of-its-kind private/public partnership with Capital, Columbus State, and the Gardner Institute, 特别注重满足转学生的独特需求.

“这是一所公立两年制社区大学和附近一所私立大学以独特的合作伙伴关系走到一起,为社区大学学生提供了一个获得高质量新机会的罕见例子。, affordable, residential, and student success-focused baccalaureate education,” said John Gardner, founder and executive chair of the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education. “And all this without having to leave their local community. It’s exactly what we need more of in American higher education.”

最近扩大的其他转学生倡议包括为哥伦布州立大学学生在首都提供住房的赠款资助伙伴关系, an enhanced 2+2 academic program, a shared admission recruiter, and faculty collaboration between the two institutions.

First announced in October 2021, the original Main Street Scholarship promised a minimum of $20,000 annually to all first-time-in-college, 进入威尼斯人平台一年级的全日制本科生, including transfer and international students. 每个符合这些标准的学生都有资格获得最低年度奖励,使更多的学生毕业时不负债或接近零负债.

In November 2022, Capital宣布,经济需求最大的优秀学生可能有资格获得奖学金,奖学金涵盖全额学费和强制性费用. This additional aid, starting with the fall 2023 semester, will be available to Ohio residents with a GPA of 3.5 or higher and an annual household income of less than $60,000.

“At Capital, 我们知道有太多的学生因为经济障碍而错过了学习机会, which then become barriers to academic success,” said Kaufman. “随着缅因街奖学金的扩大以及与哥伦布州立大学的合作, 资本一直致力于公平的竞争环境,并通过平等的教育机会创造一个更加多样化和公平的社区.”


  • 哥伦布州立大学的首选途径为学生提供了许多选择,可以在没有债务的情况下开始他们的学士学位. 学生在哥伦布州立大学完成许多不同专业和学习项目的前两年要求, then transfer seamlessly to complete their bachelor’s degree.
  • 双录取学生同时被威尼斯人平台和哥伦布州立大学录取, 可以直接使用两所学校的校园资源, including campus recreation, library, student organization, campus housing, and events. After completing an associate degree at Columbus State, 学生可以保证转学到威尼斯人平台完成学士学位.

主街奖学金的扩大只是资本对学生成功的最新承诺,并确保所有学生都有最好的经历. Other initiatives, 谁将提供威尼斯人平台哥伦布州立大学的学生谁转到首都完成学士学位, include:

  • The Student Success Office advocates for students and families, 与那些可能难以过渡到大学的学生一起工作,可能会与可能阻碍学业进步的个人问题作斗争. 学生成功顾问可以为那些表示需要额外指导和指导的学生提供帮助.
  • The Academic Success Office 为所有学生提供广泛的变革性服务, programs, 以及促进他们发展和批判性思维技能的策略, 使他们成为越来越自信和独立的终身学习者. The Academic Success team coordinates peer tutoring, academic coaching, 以及专门为更具挑战性的课程量身定制的小组学习研讨会.
  • Project IndiGo!, 2020年推出的定制课堂和课外体验的网络和技术平台, provides undergraduate students, faculty, 威尼斯人平台员工配备iPad和苹果铅笔,以及扩展的应用程序和工具库.

Contact: Denise Russell
Director, Communications and Media Relations, Capital University
614-236-6196 /

Contact: Brent Wilder
614-287-5789 /

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